Things I Gave Up to Save Money

This is my first blog post. I am not very good at writing things, but please bear with me.
So, in this first blog post, I'll share with you some of the things I gave up in order save money and slowly (but surely) pay my debts.

I was one who (used to) don't care about savings and budget. Whenever I have money, all I do was spend, spend, and spend. I didn't think about the rainy days. My mindset then was "I am going to earn this money again. I am just living my life", and boy, how wrong I was.

So, when did you decide to save money? 

It was when I got tired of my job and then I realized I didn't have any savings to my name and if I quit right then and there, I would be on the streets.

Anyway, here are the things I gave up to be able to save money...

  • Manicure and pedicure - I used to go to the salon every week to have my nails cleaned and glammed up. They cost about Php 200.00 or about $4 USD. Not only that, I was able to save spare change for the public transportation.
  • Cosmetic products - I was once a make-up junkie. It was hard to gave up because I've always had self-esteem issues, but my boyfriend convinced me that I look beautiful without layers of make-up. That really helped a lot, so I did. It's been 2 years since I stopped using any cosmetic products... and boy, I realized how much money I wasted from  my make-up purchases before. 
  • Eating out - This one, I have to admit I am not very successful with. But I'm improving. I used to eat out almost every day. Now, just once or twice a week. 
  • Clothing - I used to be a compulsive buyer whenever I see clothes that I like. It took me a long time to practice my mind not to gave in to my wants. My needs are more important. I wear my old clothes, they are still decent and presentable. I won't buy any clothes in the near future, unless it's really necessary.
  • Public Transportation - As much as possible, I walk. Especially when my destination is within a walking distance. It saved me money and it's also good for me. Hitting two birds with one stone. ;)
  • Junk Foods and Sodas - One of the hardest things to let go, for me. Ever since I was a kid, chips and other junks foods are my kind of comfort food. Every meal is not complete for me without a glass (or two) of soda. But, I did it! I am very happy about this. Giving them up helped me lose weight. 
So far, these are the 'major' things I gave up. I really did see a difference in my finances and with my well-being too. 

I accummulated a lot of debts because of compulsive and wrong decisions. But what's more important now is that I admitted my mistakes and now working to save myself from this big pile of debt.

In my future posts, I will share more about my finances and how I handle them now. Also, a post showing my debts and how I am trying to get rid of them. And oh, my saving strategy as well.

Please follow me on Instagram: debtfreepinay. 💗
